Frequently Asked Questions

Please ensure that you keep your contact details updated by contacting the administrator by sending a WhatsApp to 076 053 2958 For queries, changes in personal information, and claims, you may contact us at 0861 46 38 77 or at hypa@infbrokers.co.za

Upon request, your documents can be sent to you via WhatsApp.

Your Accidental Death as Commuter is a free, value added product that is included in your HYPA Subscription. If you cancel the HYPA Subscription or stop paying, the Accidental Death as Commuter benefits will stop immediately.

Claims must be fully submitted within 180 days of death. Should death occur due to suicide within the first 12 months after inception date, claims can be declined.  
Product Provider Type of Claim Contact detail
Infussion Financial Services Funeral Claims Accidental death Claims Accidental death as Commuter claims Please contact iNFUSSION call line on: 0861 46 38 77 Email: hypa@infbrokers.co.za  

Cover will cease immediately should the Main Member cease to be a member of the HYPA plan (dies, withdraws, retires or fails to pay the HYPA subscription).

Accidental Death as Commuter benefit equals R25 000.

No waiting period applies in the event of death due to an accident caused by commuting on public transport such as a bus, taxi and train (air travel excluded), provided that the HYPA Subscription monthly payment is up to date. Accidental Death as Commuter: is a direct and solely a result of bodily injury caused by accidental means, while using public transport such as a bus, taxi or train, Accidental Death as Commuter benefit will be payable. Death must have taken place within 30 days of the incident and the event must be the primary cause of death.

To change a beneficiary the policyholder must inform the administrator (iNFUSSION) about the changes in writing to hypa@infbrokers.co.za.

A beneficiary is the person or entity that you legally designate to receive the benefits from your financial products. It is required by law for life insurance coverage that the death benefit of your policy will pay out to the Nominated Beneficiary when you pass away.
  • We require the full ID number of your beneficiary.
  • Nominated Beneficiaries must be over the age of 18 and must have a South African bank account.

The Accidental Death as Commuter is only available to you as an active paying HYPA customer.

30- Day 30- day Fibre package offers access to the internet for 30 consecutive days from the day of activation. After 30 days have elapsed, the fibre access to the internet will have expired and a new fibre package will have to be purchased on the 31st day. This is almost like topping up your airtime or purchasing data bundles.   Monthly recurring Monthly recurring package offers access to the internet on a month-to-month basis. You will have access to the internet on a monthly recurring period provided your debit order payment does not fail and has not been canceled.

No. Fibre runs completely independently of your traditional voice (analog/copper) line.

Yes, you need a different router. The router needs to be compatible with fibre. Hypa will provide you with the appropriate Wi-Fi-enabled router/modem.

Yes, you need a different router. The router needs to be compatible with fibre. Hypa will provide you with the appropriate Wi-Fi-enabled router/modem.

Vuma Reach is a Fibre Network provider in South Africa that owns the physical fibre infrastructure and has rolled out fibre in certain areas of South Africa. Hypa is an Internet Service Provider that has partnered with Vuma reach to sell access to the internet to users located in areas fibre has been rolled out.

Hypa offers a pre-paid Fibre to the home (FTTH) service. Users have access to the internet for a period of time, either 30 days or on a monthly recurring cycle. Hypa Fibre offers high-speed, uncapped, unthrottled, unshaped, and reliable internet connectivity that is not subject to a Fair Use Policy.

Hypa offers two fibre speeds: 20/10 (20Mbps download and 10Mbps upload) 40/10 (40Mbps download and 10Mbps upload) 100/50 (100Mbps download and 50Mbps upload)

You can always pre-order fibre if no providers are not yet ready in your area

Anyone who has coverage and infrastructure in their area, this can also be checked at hypa.co.za

This will be dependant on how many devices you have, and what the line will be utilised for

Vumatel, Vuma Reach

You can stream music, videos, and movies on platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Showmax, Amazon Prime, Spotify, iTunes.

Fibre offers fast, reliable, uncapped, and unlimited internet connectivity. Hypa fibre packages are more affordable than purchasing mobile data bundles and data can be used any time of the day. Unlike ADSL lines that can degrade and can be stolen, fibre lines are not impacted by weather, don't degrade, and will not be stolen.

Work from Home, Online studies, Online schoolwork, Social Media, Gaming, Wi-Fi

50 – 100 / 200Mbps These speeds are highly beneficial to homes with heavy internet use and multiple users. You can stream HD videos on multiple devices as well as high speed media downloads. Best suited for:Multiple data-intensive devices (as in a big company), Media-rich data downloads at High Speeds, HD Streaming by multiple users, Working online in real time,Email, Browsing, Social Media, VoIP calls and Video chat

Yes, Customers can purchase a maximum of 6 consecutive 30- day access packages at one time. The 6 fibre package will run one after the other and will only start when the previous package has ended. The maximum number of “periods of service” that can be purchased includes the period of service for the current month. I.e., one period of service plus {5} more.  

Customers can choose a debit order payment date that best suits them. Debit order date options available: 1st, 16th, 21st, 26th of a given month

This is a pre-paid service and we would require payment to be made before we can place your order with Vuma. There are two ways are paying, depending on the package you have bought: 30- day Fibre package can be paid via PayFast using a debit or credit card, or via EasyPay on the App or in-store at checkers/Pick n Pay, etc A monthly recurring package can be paid via PayFast using a debit or credit card

Hypa does not charge for any standard installation and connection costs. However, in the event that additional trenching is required to install the fibre in your home, the Fibre Network Provider (Vuma Reach) will charge an additional fee which will be charged directly to the end customer by the Vuma Reach appointed contractor.

You are bound to the term which you agree upon once you have selected and signed up for the package specified in the sign up process

Installation can take up to 14 days

An SMS/email will be sent to you with the Wi-Fi username and password. Connect your smart devices to the Wi-fi using the username and password provided and enjoy your fibre experience.

Written cancellation notice must be provided to Hypa in writing to cancellations@hypa.co.za For the monthly recurring product, we require 14 (fourteen) days' notice prior to the next Debit Order Date Despite the 30 Day Service automatically expiring at the end of the 30-day period, the Customer must nevertheless give written notice of cancellation, either before or after the date of expiry.

No there is no cancellation fee.

No, you will have unlimited data that can be used any time of the day.

You can simply manage your account via your portal login

You can see all usage reports via your portal login

Yes, this can be done via the portal, and upon request

No, there are no long-term contracts, services are Pre-Paid and are on a month-to-month or 30 Day basis. You will be required to accept Hypa's Terms and conditions when signing up for the service online.

Yes, Hypa will require to RICA you before we can place your order with Vuma. Hypa's RICA application process is fully automated and can be done on the Hypa website when placing an order. You will require to upload a photo of your ID document when placing the order. If your RICA status fails on our Automation process, then we will contact you and request a certified copy of your ID document.

Please refer to our coverage map to check if your address is feasible for Fibre on the Vuma Reach Fibre networkhelp@hypa.co.za

You will need to have coverage in your area and the correct infrastructure from the Upstream Service Provider

Simply check our coverage map, apply address, select package and payment

This can be done via the hypa customer portal

By using the coverage map on our website

Our Customer Service teams operate 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 07h00 to 22h00. General account and sales operate within normal office hours (07h00 to 17h00), excluding weekends and South African public holidays. 087 805 2505 or help@hypa.co.za

Monday to Friday 07:00 - 22:00, 365 days a year

Yes, you can subscribe to outage notifications via your portal login

48 - 72 business working hours

A maximum of 10 devices can be connected simultaneously.

Yes, this can be done via the portal, alternatively contact support at help@hypa.co.za

speedtest.net, mybroadbandspeedtest

Packet loss occurs when one or more packets of data travelling across a computer network fail to reach their destination

You can simply start by rebooting the ONT, and the Router

Your Neighbour's Network, other networks in your home, bluetooth, Microwaves, thick walls, and other elements

Streaming Examples:
  • Netflix, DSTV, Showmax – at least 3 Mbps for standard definition; 5 Mbps for HD; 25 Mbps for HDR or 4K Hulu – at least 3 Mbps for on-demand; 8 Mbps for Live TV DIRECTV – at least 2.5 Mbps; 2.5–7.5 Mbps for HD on mobile devices; 12 Mbps for streaming via web browser on a computer Amazon Prime Video – 900 Kbps for SD; 3.5 Mbps for HD
  • At a minimum, you need 4–8 Mbps for online gaming. For consistently efficient gaming, 10–25 Mbps tend to be best. This is also dependant on server location you are connecting to
Working from Home:
  • There are no one-size-fits-all answers when it comes to working from home; it really boils down to what kind of uploading and downloading you need to do for your job. If you frequently download and upload large files, you’ll want internet speeds of at least 40 Mbps. For simpler computer programs (word processing, for example), you can get by with just 3–4 Mbps. For lots of video conferencing, you’ll want to sit somewhere in the middle with at least 10 Mbps

The web link within the SMS contains important information to setup your Bela telephone number and SIP account that is needed to connect you to the Hypa Voice network.

The data on your phone is private information. We need your permission to allow Bela to access the software on your phone to make and receive calls. Your microphone and camera are required to make Voice and video calls.

Using your mobile device go to ‘Applications’, find the Bela app and enable or allow the app to send notifications.
This is only required if you did not allow this function at initial set up.

0.96Mb per minute on average.

Yes. Bela can be used wherever you have internet access. Public WiFi networks may however restrict certain types of Internet traffic.
Making Bela calls while connected to Hypa WiFi is the perfect combination – you have a super-fast Internet connection, and you won’t pay for the data that you use to make Bela calls.

Yes. Bela can be used wherever you have internet access. You will be charged by your mobile service provider for the mobile data that you use to make Bela Voice calls, video calls and send and receive text messages.

Yes, if you are a Hypa fibre customer you are eligible for 30 free Voice minutes monthly. These free minutes will be allocated to you every month - as long as your Hypa fibre account is current.
If you are not yet a Hypa fibre subscriber you will receive 10 free once-off minutes to try making calls with Bela before needing to purchase a top up bundle.
If you have not consumed all free minutes at midnight on the last day of the month, you will lose these unused minutes. These free minutes do not roll over to the next month.

Select the cart icon in the Bela app. Enter the mobile number that you registered for your Bela account with, and enter the OTP (one time PIN) that you will be sent. Select the top up value of your choice, follow the on-screen instructions to pay. Your Bela account will be credited with your selected top up value.

When you have purchased top up minutes, your balance will be displayed on the top left of the screen (balance checker). This balance will refresh / update within 5 seconds after you end your Bela call.

No, your free minutes are not included in the on-screen balance display. You will receive an SMS to notify you when you have used 50%, 80% and 100% of your free minutes. You can also view your available free minutes in the Hypa customer zone:

Yes. Vobi can be used wherever you have internet access. Calls made using Bela while outside of South Africa will only attract local South African rates (the same rates you are charged when in South Africa).
Please take note that roaming data charges may be applicable, depending on your mobile data plan.

Your top up Voice minutes are valid for 30 days* from date of purchase.

No, Bela supports a single SIP account. You can change from one SIP account to another by resetting the application and clicking on the web link in the activation SMS that will be sent to you.

You can call us on 087 805 2505 or alternatively email us at https://hypa.co.za/contact/. You can also connect with us at: Support: help@hypa.co.za; Whatsapp: 064 097 8822.